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How I Gained 60k Instagram Followers

How I Gained 60k Instagram Followers

1. I’ve posted every day during the holidays despite reach and engagement being low

2. I’ve adopted an aggressive posting strategy combining Reels, single images and carousels


1. Made it a goal to connect and add value with/to other fellow niche creators on a daily basis

2. Started more conversations with my own followers and niche accounts I’m following

3. Implemented automation tools such as Many Chat to boost DMs


1. I’ve turned my best-performing single images into a series with different parts (Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, etc.)

2. I’ve improved my designs, made the content simple and packed with value suitable for beginners

1. Added call to actions to all of my posts enticing people to follow increasing the conversion rate
2. I was never lazy with captions putting lots of effort into making them valuable + niche keywords
3 Proper profile optimization (mission statement, credibility, call to action)

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